To see the flowers pictured below take the Arthur's Rock trail, then the first trail to the south that links to the Horstetooth Mountain Park trail, then head down the hill to the South Valley trail, then head north to the parking lot. You can cover this loop at a leisurely pace in one hour.
Senecio intergerriums, an aster:
Shadbush, in the rose family:
Delphinium nuttallianum, in the buttercup family:
Snowball saxifrage:
Astragalus shortianus, a member of the pea family:
Comandra umbellata, a member of the sandalwood family:
Skunkbrush, a member of the sumac family:
Golden Banner, a member of the pea family:
Lithospermum incisum, a member of the borage family:
Canadian violet:
Senecio intergerriums, an aster:
Shadbush, in the rose family:
Delphinium nuttallianum, in the buttercup family:
Snowball saxifrage:
Astragalus shortianus, a member of the pea family:
Comandra umbellata, a member of the sandalwood family:
Skunkbrush, a member of the sumac family:
Golden Banner, a member of the pea family:
Lithospermum incisum, a member of the borage family:
Canadian violet:
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