Erodium cicutarium (filaree), in the geranium family |
Nothocalais cuspidata (wavyleaf dandelion), in aster subfamily 1 |
Allysum simplex (small-flowered alyssum), in the mustard family |
Viola nuttallii (Nuttall's violet), in the violet family |
Cerastium strictum (mouse-ear), in the chickweed family |
Mertensia lanceolata (prairie bluebells), in the borage family |
Oreobatus deliciosus (boulder raspberry), in the rose family |
Coriflora hirsutissima (sugarbowls), in the buttercup family |
Drymocallis fissa (leafy cinqefiol), in the rose family |
Scuttelaria brittonii (Britton's skullcap), in the mint family |
Comandra umbellata (bastard toadflax), in the comandra family |